By SephirotessBL by Sephirotess:
BL: little Halloween theme with random (animation) appearances for the creatures (icons).
- 2 languages: English and French,
- text color can be modified,
- 15 appearances,
- 1 wallpaper,
- 2 rotators,
- easy configuration.
Use the themes panel to change the appearance (15) of the skins. Use the wallpaper panel (config) in order to install the wallpaper. Move the mouse over the icons (creatures) to have some information.
Section Divers:
- Date: shows current date,
- Time: shows time (month and day),
- Uptime: uptime without seconds,
- Volume: the skin controls the volume under Windows. You can increase or decrease the sound the icon.
Section HDD:
- Letters (HDD C to Z ): give some information about the hard disk. The skin shows the name and the free space,
- Recycle Bin: the skin shows the number of present files (left) and their size (right). Left click on the creature open recyclebin, right click empty it.
Section System:
- Battery: shows battery level,
- Control: 4 shortcuts (hibernate, restart, shutdown and logoff),
- CPU: shows CPU activity,
- CPUSpeed: current CPU speed,
- CPUTemp: temperature (with Coretemp),
- GPU: shows GPU usage (with MSIAfterBurner, plugin by Nick Connors),
- GPUFan: Fan speed,
- GPUMem: GPU memory used,
- GPUSpeed: current GPU speed,
- GPUTemp: temperature,
- Process: top process,
- Processes: shows number of current processes
- Ram: free Ram,
- Swap: free Swap.